Tuesday, March 18, 2008


All growing up I have always been one to have a lot of dreams while I was sleeping. My sister and I shared a room when we were little and she always told me that I would talk in my sleep and my mom said she would sometimes catch me speaking different languages while I was sleeping. Sometimes I have dreams about Chase or my friends and family and I would be mad at them in my dream and when I wake up I would be mad at them most of the day. A couple times I called Chase in the morning to tell him I was mad at him because of something he did in my dream haha he still teases me about it ( but lets be honest, I cant stay mad at chase too long.. just look at those cute dimples!)

I think my next purchase is going to be a dream dictionary, I want to know what my dreams mean. Dreams have always been so confusing to me, why do we have them? where do they come from? why are most of them really weird? If anyone has good suggestions on dream books let me know!!!
On a different note, Chase and I are getting excited to meet up with my family next weekend for a ski trip and hopefully Chase's knee starts to feel better so he can hit the slopes! Growing up my family and our family friends would go to Brianhead every year and it has been a while since we all have been so next weekend we planned a Brianhead trip! I'm so excited to visit the old stomping grounds and be with the Clawsons and show Chase the slopes. The only thing that is missing to make this trip complete is Allen Kings ghost stories. I guess my dad or Buck will have to try to fill his spot :) Cant wait to see all of you soon!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE Brianhead!!! I remember going with all of you back when I was in high school when Adrienne invited me with her family. I was so much fun! I hope you guys have a blast! I can't wait to see the pictures.

The last Unicorn said...

I can't wait for Brian Head. We HAVE to play tripoley! I was obsessed with the meaning of dreams back in high school. I have two really good dream books, I can bring them to Brian Head for you to look at.
Love you!

Shandra and Christian said...

I'm jealous about Brianhead this year. :( Have a great time though and I'm sad that I haven't met Chase yet.

Kathy said...

So funny. I always wake up mad at Todd and will stay mad the whole day ...he doesn't have cute dimples. :)

When are we going to dinner?

Tasha said...

You are too funny. I hope you are able to figure out those dreams of yours. I often get frustrated by dreams too. Sometimes I have scary dreams and still wake up so scared I have to snuggle in closer to Brian just to feel safe enough to go back to sleep. Have fun on your ski trip!!!

Linda Mott said...

I sure wish our family could be there too! It just isn't working out. We had so much fun with you guys. We would love to have you and Chase come visit us. Or, maybe the girls and I can come out and have lunch with you one day before you go home for the wedding.

Briana said...

Awwww......Brianhead! I talk about those days quite often. I wish Todd and I were able to go. I miss all of you and would love to get together with everyone once again. You guys are such a good looking couple. Miss ya tons.

Brooke said...

i have a reacuring dream about getting in a fight with my mom and never speaking to her again. i have it at least once a month.