Sunday, March 9, 2008

Perfect night - BBQ, Games, and a Chocolate fountain

Saturday night we went up to my friend Michelle and her husband Jake's Cabin in Heber. We have all been enjoying the sunny weather so we decided to have a BBQ up there. It was kind of funny hiking threw the snow to get to the cabin to have a BBQ in March but it was an adventure. I have known Michelle and Lisa since I moved to Utah and it's always fun getting together with our significant others :) Jake was a master at the BBQ, Chase and I rocked it at Scategories and I was the ultimate champion in Perudo. If none of you have played Perudo before you have to get it! It's so fun, it basically a lying dice game and it's really fun with a big group. And what would be a better way to end the night with a chocolate fountain? It was the perfect recipe for the perfect night!


The last Unicorn said...

A BBQ in the snow?!? You would have to put me on the BBQ just to keep me warm :) I almost hate to tell you this, but it was 75 and sunny today! I think I even got a tan on my walk. Looks like you guys had a fun time though. I wish we had a cabin so close!

Shandra and Christian said...

Dana, I'm worried that you cheated when you played Scategories.

mangrumminute said...

Hey Dana how are the wedding plans? It is getting closer--time flies.

Lindsay said...

What a fun night--not much better than, yummy food, games and friends!

Lynlee Price said...

Hey girl. It's been a while. Just wanted to say congrats on the engagement. I'm excited for you!

Briana said...

That sounds like so much fun. That is when I miss Utah. Just doing things like that. Do you guys think you will stay there after you get married? What are your plans? We are going to try and come to your wedding.

chelsea said...

Dana I'm excited for you and your new running adventures.. :) you should run the St. George Marathon with me!! On another note.. the wedding is so soon, I'm excited for you.

Tasha said...

SO fun!!!! You guys are the cutest couple. I am glad you had a fun BBQ in the snow!

Lisa Bella said...

Hi Dana! My gosh it has been forever! You and your fiance are so cute and you guys looks so happy and grown up!!! We'll have to catch up for sure, we're pretty close it's amazing we haven't yet! Good to hear from you and congratulations on the engagement!!

Unknown said...

Hi Dana! Wow it has been so long! Your blog is so cute! Congrats on your engagement. We are all getting so old but it is way fun at the same time! Your engagement pics are so beautiful by the way! So glad we can keep in touch now!
xoxo Jenny