It feels soooo good to be back in Utah! I thought I would never say that sentence :) Chase and I got in Tuesday night and are just adjusting back to real life. I met with my school advisor and I am officially graduating this semester! I am so excited!!! It feels good to know that there is actually an end of all this school and hard work.
We are still sleeping on our blow up mattress until our bed gets delivered which is not that bad seeing as we put our memory foam on it and waiting for the parents to come up here this week to bring all our wedding presents so we can actually set up our apt. So once everything is all put together we will post some pictures! We got a free couch and I have turned it into my little craft project, I just picked out the cutest fabrics to sew over the pillows, I'm excited for my little project :) I start school on Thursday (which is my birthday) so we will see how that goes! Chase does not start till next week and he is not excited one bit. But if anyone needs a place to stay we have an extra bedroom so come visit us!