Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Newborn pictures

My amazing friend Megan took the boys newborn pictures. Since they were in the hospital the first 3 weeks of life we didn't take their pictures till they were a month and 1/2 old. This was not ideal, I defiantly recommend taking them that first week of life! lol the boys were not having it. We woke them up from their nap, and I was thinking well they will just fall right back to sleep during the shoot.... No, they decided to stay up the whole time and cry, so mad at me for waking them up early ( hey its my first time I didn't know any better :) ). I felt so bad for Megan, she came to my house, brought the best props, and we could not use them :( the boys would not go on their stomachs, they would not sit by each other, Megan defiantly had her work cut out for her. But to my surprise she still had good shots! that just goes to show you how great of a photographer she really is.. Check her out.. she is amazing!


Trevor TATE Hathaway

Trent PORTER Hathaway

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Two Months

I have not had a lot of opportunity to blog these days. The boys are still on a three hour schedule and I just cant seem to get them to sleep longer at night. Some nights they go 4 hours then they go back to three. They wake up at the same time still, even if they go later in their feedings. Its so funny to me, because they are sleeping in different rooms now. I had to move them because they just would not nap together, they make to much noise!

The boys are two months old now. It has gone by so fast! It amazes me how much they have grown. At their two month check up Porter Weighed 10 14oz and was 21 1/2 inches long and Tate weighed 11 lbs 1 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. They are still only three ounces apart but I swear Tate looks so much bigger to me! He must just keep those three oz in his cheeks. Porter is still my more stubborn sleeper. He gets so tired but fights it till his last breath, its so funny he cries for a while then all of a sudden he is out. Tate on the other hand is getting so good! I can tell when he is tired at his first yawn, I then wrap him up and put him down, most times he goes down with out crying but if he does cry its for about a minute.

Porter is a daddies boy. He loves Chase, its hard for me to get him to laugh but when Chase gets home he lights up, shows his dimples and literally laughs so hard. He will even put off feeding for a while just to sit with Dad. Tate is more of a feed me now kind of guy, he wants his food the minute he wakes up, will cry until he gets it then when he is done he will give you the time of day.

They are both still really gassy, but since I switched formulas it doesn't seem to hurt them as much :). Tate just got diagnosed with acid reflux. My mom came in last week to help with the boys and help us move ( that is a whole other blog post). She came at the perfect time, the boys had to get their 2 months shots, so she was there to help with that, then Tate all of a sudden started crying so hard during every feeding, he would not take the bottle and it took about 2 hours to feed him. It was the saddest thing, so we took him to the dr. got him on some medicine and he is doing much better!

Porter and Tate
Porter snuggling up to his brother
Tate laughing at Dad
Porter Boy looking so serious
Porter putting his arm around his younger brother
I dont know if you can tell but Tate totally looked up at me and smiled in this pictures :)

Friday, December 2, 2011


My best friend Chelcie and her family were in Utah and came by to see the little boys about a month ago! I was so excited for them to come over. Chelcie and I are two weeks apart and grew up best friends, We lived at each others houses and our families are like our 2nd families. Her siblings feel like my siblings and her parents are like my parents. We would go on family vacations together, have our birthday parties together and basically do everything together. Since I live in utah I never see the Clawsons as much as I would like, so I was so excited for the boys to meet their "other" family.
My sister Lori then came to stay with me for almost a week and help with the boys. I am so lucky to have her as my sister, She is pregnant and has a one year old at home so I know how tired she must of been, but she still took the time to fly to Utah and help me with my babies. I am so appreciative of her and all her help. I miss her so much. Thank you Haws for letting me borrow her for so long! She helped me get the boys on a schedule and try to sleep train them. They are fighters when it comes to taking naps, so it was nice to see her cool tricks and having an extra pair of hands to put them to bed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

One Month

The boys are a month old now.. it has gone by so fast! Granted I have only had them home for two weeks, but it still is crazy to me how old they are now! Nothing really has changed with them, they eat every three hours and sleep and go to the bathroom. Tate and Porter have both peed and pooped while I have changed them. Tate's literally shot out and got all over my clothes and floor, it was during one of the midnight feedings so I was kind of out of it and me and my mom could not stop laughing.

They are still making just as much noise as ever. My mother in law was wondering how i was going to feed them in public, they seriously grunt and growl the whole time, and it is LOUD!. I just love these little guys so much and even though I am the most tired I have ever been in my life, im also the happiest. These boys just melt me. My favorite time of day is around 7, this is when Chase gets home and the boys know it because this is the only time they stay up after a feeding. They are just waiting for Dad to come home and when they see Chase they just stare and smile at him for about a hour, its the cutest thing. Grandma Hathaway and Tate. She stayed here for a week helping me out, she just left today and let me tell you I miss the Grandmas so much! and this is the first day I have not had help. Its a bit of a adjustment! but im handling it ok.
This is how im handling feeding them at the same time lol
Grandma and Porter

Tate sleeping in the love sac just like his Dad.Porter smiling at his Dad, look at those dimples!Porter covering his ear while Nana vacuums, she was loud ha haHappy Halloween!Porter and mom having some quality timePorters bath time Tate bugs bath
Enough with the pictures already mom!

Happy one month boys!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

The boys are home!!!!! On Tuesday last week we got the great news that if the boys did good on their feedings then we can take them home Thursday night! Well the boys did awesome and fed with no tubes without wearing themselves out and Chase and I got to take our boys home and actually feel like parents :). It has been an emotional rollercoaster the last couple weeks, and it feels so good that our babies are home. They have being doing so good, despite the fact that they are the nosiest sleepers ever! We have them in our room right now because my mom has been staying with us this whole month and let me tell you, its pretty hard to sleep through their ruckus. If one makes a grunt the other one makes a grunt, if one starts hiccuping the other one starts hiccuping, if one toots the other one toots, and so on.. I have a feeling they will be put in the hall way sometime soon lol. They are pretty funny to watch though.
They turned 3 weeks today and it has gone by so fast. Granted two weeks of that they were in the hospital. Right now my mom has been staying with us but she leaves on Saturday, then Chase's mom comes right after her for a week, then my sister Lori will come after that, but once all the help leaves I have a feeling I might have a nervous break down. My mom has been the biggest help ever. She gets up with me for all the feedings so Chase can rest while he can, she goes grocery shopping, does the laundry, cooks, cleans, and i'm scared that once she leaves and Chase's mom leaves and my sister, I might go a little insane. I honestly am so overwhelmed but people do this all the time right?!?!?!

The boys are drinking out of bottles, so feeding time take a long time alone. I feed one, then the other, then burp them, then put them back to bed, then pump, then they wake up again but once again I am so thankfull so healthy boys, and lets be honest I love to just stare at them all day :). Its so weird how your heart just grows to fit these two boys in it, I love them so much.

Chase has been a great dad. The weekends are his nights with helping me feed and when he comes home from work he takes a baby and just sleeps with them. It is such a nice break. I don't know what I would do with out him and my mom right now.

Brotherly love after bath time

The best Dad, they just fall asleep on him so fast!

My amazing mother, She has gotten as little sleep as me and has not complained once! I don't think i could of gotten through these last weeks with out her. Thank you mom for everything!!!!!!
I need to take more pictures of me and the boys, when i'm not just finished feeding them lol.