Wednesday, October 10, 2007

*Favorite Recipes to cook in the Fall*

Pumpkin Jelly Roll
3 eggs, 1 C. Sugar, 2/3 C. canned pumpkin, 1tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 3/4 C. flour
Beat eggs. add sugar and rest of ingredients. beat well. bake in a 10 x 15 cookie sheet lined with greased waxed paper. bake at 350 for 15 min. when done turn onto a a towel that is sprinkled with powered sugar. Remove wax paper. Roll up starting at long end and cool for 15 min. then unroll


1 (8 oz) cream cheese, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 T. soft butter, 1 C. powdered sugar
Beat cream cheese, vanilla, butter and powdered sugar until smooth. Spread on unrolled cake and roll up again. refrigerate before serving.

Sugar Cookies
3/4 C. Shortening, 1 C. Sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 1/2 C. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt.
mix and cover, chill for a hour. roll dough and cute. Put on ungreased cookie sheet bake for 6-8 min.

Decorate and frost how you like! I love decorating them into Halloween shapes!

Homemade Oreo Cookies

2 pkg. Devil’s food cake mix,4 eggs,¾ C. oil

8 oz. cream cheese,2 ¾ c. powdered sugar
Mix outsides ingredients. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make dough balls and slightly flatten and place on cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes. When cool, spread middle between two cookies


Lindsay said...

I love homemade oreos! I just made a pumpkin roll last week for Enrichment and Halloween sugar cookies. I love all the yummy goodies right now and until Christmas!

The last Unicorn said...

yumyum! Have you made any of these yet??? Where did the recipes come from? Maybe I will add these to my adventures in cooking :)

Becca said...

ummm... it it ok to crave all those yummy treats at 8:44 in the morning!! Curse you for planting the seed of destruction so early in the morning! This apple is such a let down!!!

Ok pretty lady!!!! Your blog is great! are you as addicted as I am!

Anonymous said...

hey whats up girlie! Im so glad to find you here on the blogger world. How are things in p-town. I miss everybody, and seeing you come into nordstrom here and there. How is everyone?? do you stay in touch with anyone or are you totally in another world with your significant other like im sure you are? so whens the big day???!!!! looks you guys are having so much fun together. you make such a great and cute couple! AZ is good too. We are settling in here, but its been nice, we have a lot of freinds here and family which makes it fun. thanks for those recipers, they look delish!

Brooke said...

so how's the pumpkin roll? I'm thinking about making it but only if it's delicious. let me know.

Brooke said...
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Tori said...

I must make homeade oreos tomorrow. They are soooo good!

Michael and Megan said...

Hey Dana!

Are you still working at Carrabbas? Natalie and I both escaped. We are still in Las Vegas. It looks like things are going well for you. I'm excited for you!

Josh and Tiff said...

hey!! i'm so glad you found me on here... we NEVER update our blog, maybe once i have more time i'll be able to do it more often. are you guys engaged or anything?? we need to get together! and i forgot what an amazing cook you were! i miss you girl!

Lindsay said...

Hey Dana--I've been meaning to call you--Chris didn't explain things very well to me, but he's had my cellphone the past few days, so hopefully tonight after he gets home.

Nat's blog said...

i love that you have a blog. I think you and chase are very cute. What's new in your life. I am thinking of moving back to provo...good or bad choice you tell me!

heather said...

hi dana! I can't wait for us to have the same story on our blogs.. :)

Mands Glenn said...

Hi! Sorry to step in on your blog, but I ran into it from my sister-in-law ( Jenny Morphy). I have to tell you that I had a Fall party and made these Oreo cookies and everybody loved them. The recipe is going in my recipe book. Thanks!!